If you routinely notice signs of bruxism, it could be linked to an oral health condition associated with worn or flat teeth. Any symptoms including fractures or chips that have no other reasonable explanation can very well be caused by bruxism. Furthermore, look for other visual clues that your tooth enamel is being worn away. This can often come with the sensation of increased tooth sensitivity. If your teeth do feel slightly worn down or you’re noticing any additional pains, you may want to visit your dentist for an exam to determine if bruxism is the cause.
Any dental damage you may be suffering from needs to be looked at by a medical professional. Your dentist will be able to determine what is causing your pain and what treatments will be needed. If you continually feel signs of an increase in jaw and face pain or soreness, it may be linked to an underlying condition such as bruxism. Furthermore, grinding your teeth constantly can lead to additional stress on your jaw muscles and can make them feel overworked or tired. Other symptoms may also begin to arise within your head, including earaches and headaches that may not originate where you think they would or tend to feel different than normal aches.
Several visual clues can arise within your mouth that may not be entirely explainable based on a variety of reasons. If you have strange marking or indentations on your tongue, it could be linked to other issues, but most commonly it arises due to bruxism. Furthermore, if you notice your inner cheek feels worn or raw, it could be because you were slowly chewing on the inside of your cheek at night due to bruxism.
29th Street Dental Care wants to help you with bruxism. To schedule an appointment at our office in Chickasha, Oklahoma, please call us at 405-222-0222. Drs. Phillips, Perryman, Womack, and our team want to ensure your smile is shining for years to come.